Author Icon Kevin Mellen
Date Icon 1/12/14

It’s ok to brag

Iowa has always been a great place to live, work, and play. In an effort to create talk value for the state and its Creative Corridor, Creative Mellen, Sculpt, and ICAD partnered to create Iowa Brag. A Twitter- and Tumblr-based campaign, Iowa Brag not only provides facts and figures about the state but engages alumni and other fans to share their memories and moments of visiting and living here.

“It came as no surprise that Iowa Brag took off online. Social was built into the DNA of the campaign, beginning with the process that went into the name, concept and artwork. Kevin’s design framework allowed us freedom to make changes, but provided a consistent aesthetic that transfers across off and online mediums,” said Josh Krakauer of Sculpt. “Safe to say, it’s easy to brag about working with Creative Mellen!”

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