The School of Music at the University of Iowa partnered with Kevin Mellen and writer Leah B. Grout Garris to develop their next “Year in Review” Magazine with new university brand standards in mind. This issue focused on the dedication to nurturing equity, diversity, inclusion, and belonging (EDIB) within the school and greater community.
A vision of equity, diversity, inclusion, and belonging.
Brand Implementation
Concept, Design & Layout
Photo Art Direction
Accessible PDF
This issue of the magazine focused on stories, experiences, and ideas about how they weave EDIB into what they do today—and what they will do tomorrow. This vision was the strategic foundation for our concept of “Coming Together in Harmony.” The cover is made up of 567 images of faculty, students, and community members that create a mosaic of the Voxman Concert Hall, an important gathering space where all are welcome. This became the perfect metaphor for EDIB and the stories expressed throughout the magazine.
The interior of the magazine was designed with the university’s new brand standards in mind. Consistent layout sections include a new masthead, credits and director letters, a table of contents, and header and footer styles. These design elements can be used for subsequent issues while still highlighting new content.